About Me

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hey this blog is about my life and the things i do and have done with it. i havn't been that good of a person and i'm sorry for all the people i've hurt. this is my story, like my online journal. ive done some bad things but i don't have any regrets, they made me who i am today.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A little bit about me...

Okay so my name is Michelle, I live in the east side of Bakersfield California. My family is kind of big and crazy. We fight a lot, but we love each other. I am 17 years old and I have fourteen brothers and sisters. its a long story and I will get to it, but first... I love my family more than anything, I am a typical Kern county girl, you mess with them, I mess with you. I stick up for what i believe in, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I am a junior in high school. Ive never actually had any parental figures take care of me, until about 7 years ago. That's when my siblings and I all got taken from my mom, we have lived with my aunt and uncle ever since, they are our mom and dad. I love them to death, and their boys are just like brothers to me. They are my family and no one can tear us apart.

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