About Me

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hey this blog is about my life and the things i do and have done with it. i havn't been that good of a person and i'm sorry for all the people i've hurt. this is my story, like my online journal. ive done some bad things but i don't have any regrets, they made me who i am today.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Town

So life in Bakersfield... Well most of the people I know ride dirt bikes.  Its sorta the thing to do, no matter what side of town your from. Alot of us hang out at the mall or the park. The people in my town are really different. There isn't really any other town like us. See, unless you live here you can never really tell where people are from, but if you have always been in Bako you know automatically. You can tell if their from the eastside or Rosedale or Oildale or Rexland Acres. you can tell. Everyone belongs in their own areas. And thats not the only way people are segregated. there are cowboys, skin heads, rockers, athletes, emos, stoners, tweakers, juggalo's, gangsters, taggers, shufflers, the list goes on and on. Its like everyone is in their own little worlds and if your not apart of that crew then you arent allowed in. I mean some people stay neutral and are friendly with everyone, but most of us belong to different cliques, the white people hang out together, same with the blacks, and mexicans. It isn't like a white girl, can just walk up to a group of black girls and just fit in. And vise versa. It doesn't mix, we don't mix. But the thing is, We hide it really well.

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